Mary Selinski


130 Pages

130-Page Full Color

Garden Journal

with over 60 Illustrations.

Looking for the perfect Journal? Look no farther, this  beautiful full-color journal is a collection of illustrations from artist, Mary Selinski. The illustrations are representative of seasons inside and outside of her home & garden.

Use the journal to keep details on weather conditions, arrival of birds, butterflies, frost date, snow from the window sills that catch the winter sun to forcing bulbs and twigs to speed up the blooming time and bring color and fragrance to dull winter days. A beautiful keepsake for art lovers everywhere.

"As most gardeners will testify, the desire to make a garden is often followed by a desire to write down your experiences there in a notebook, or a letter to a friend who gardens..."

- Michael Pollan


"or like me to draw and paint your observations."

- Mary Selinski